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Gabe steger

Co-founder & Guide

Adventure was instilled at an early age for me.  Weekends were often spent exploring wild caves with my dad, camping with family and enjoying travels all over the US. My parents gave me climbing classes for my high school graduation present. This quickly led to my first big climbing trip in Mexico, which became the catalyst for adventures worldwide.

After college I was confronted with the choice of climbing the corporate ladder or chasing adventure. At the time I felt that I was supposed to get a good job, buy a new car and maybe a house. It never seemed like a good fit. The weekend warrior adventures were not fulfilling enough and after saving some money I took a sabbatical, hoping to find the magic recipe for life. I soon found myself living on the road climbing, kayaking and mountain biking all over North America.  The trip extended to a year down in South America where I did some volunteer work in a small town in the Andes Mountains of Peru and traveled throughout the continent.

Fast forward a few years: I met an amazing adventurous girl, Allison, whose thirst for travel equaled my own, and we soon spent a year traveling throughout Southeast Asia together. Allison’s running accomplishments (obsession) inspired me to progress beyond casual running, and I now feel most comfortable exploring new trails off the beaten path and enjoying the simplicity of running.